Top character s was totally unplanned I haven't Z brushed in a while thought I would brush up before I forget how to use the app. Yoshi is one of the more recognizable characters in the Mario Brothers series.
My Friend was asking me to make a 3D version of Yoshi this my adaptation , This is far from the traditional Yoshi Top image . The others are just random sculpts .

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Alien Zbrush Sculpts
Friday, January 13, 2012
A.I. Concept
Final Render
Final render of my Artificial intelligence android , pretty happy with the end result , All was modeled with in Cinema 4D along with the AR3 module HDRI , GI settings . Rigging the model would eliminate that rigid look possibly for a better pose , next time !
The Most complicated part of the modeling on my A.I. project so far are the hands for me , i just started working on them and have scratched the hand design twice !
I do plan on making more details for the head gear/neck .The face plate is a self modified part of the older 9.0 version of C4D from the browser content , all is modeled with in C4D 11.5 with GI, a total fun project that seems to click ! Some of my other projects seem to lurk on my hard drive for months……
Chest plate of a android concept i have been working on , most of the other pieces are already modeled in stages such as the head ,arms ,legs etc. etc. Modeled in Cinema 4D standard 3 point light set up no GI . Nurbs i love them and then hate them at times !
Thursday, January 12, 2012
UCSD Geisel Library Building
Sketch up is getting to become one of my favorite tools to use for architectural visuals. By all means I am not a architect but I have been fascinated with it since my younger years, I did study it after high school for a year (this was before CAD programs) but later to find out that mathematics was my stumbling block . The Geisel building was named after Dr. Seuss. The tools used for this project were Sketch up pro 8 , Style Builder and Sketch up layout and Photo Shop . I have always enjoyed the sight of this building here in San Diego, what a sight in the distance !